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6 Healthy Hobbies to Help You Stay Sober

healthy hobbies

Everyone needs healthy hobbies for a balanced life and this is especially true for those in recovery from a substance use disorder. For one, the right hobby can help keep the mind and body busy and serve as a replacement for past dangerous habits.

Start by thinking about any hobbies you used to love but lost in the throes of addiction. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  1. Take up coloring or drawing. Whether you purchase an adult coloring book and fancy pencils or some white paper and crayons, coloring, drawing or painting is a great recovery hobby. Exploring your artistic side can be extremely cathartic. Plus, it can teach you to stay in the moment and stay calm.
  2. Become a book worm. Reading is a great recovery tool – and you can do it anytime and anywhere to help you stay inspired, reduce stress or lighten your mood. Note: While real-life recovery stories can be inspirational, they can also be triggering so you’ll likely want to save those for further into your recovery. Talk to your counselor or sponsor.
  3. Practice yoga. This ancient practice is well known for its ability to help heal your mind, body and spirit – and you can also benefit from being part of a yoga community. Take a few classes and decide which type of yoga is right for you.
  4. Get moving – outdoors. Exercise and nature is a super combo when it comes to improving your mental health and curbing any cravings. Whether you take up hiking or jogging or simply a daily stroll through your local park, you’ll benefit from the feel-good endorphins of exercise and calming effects of nature.
  5. Pet a furry friend. Volunteer at an animal shelter: The perks of animal therapy are plenty, including the ability to reduce depression and anxiety. Check your area for animal-related volunteer opportunities – whether you prefer to care for or advocate for the animals or help spread awareness to others about important animal issues.
  6. Put on your writer’s hat. Writing is proven way to untangle and let go of yourthoughts and feelings. You can take an online class, start a blog, experiment with some poetry or simply start a journal. There are no rules and it’s really up to you whether you keep your writing private it or share it with others.

Segue Recovery Support The first year of recovery is challenging and clients can use all the stay-sober tools they can get. During this time, we provide recovery coaching, case management, monitoring, family engagement and accountability for both the client and their family. To learn more about our holistic approach to aftercare, call us today: 833-485-0789.