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Tips for Starting the New Semester on a Positive Note

Most college campuses around the country are gearing up to welcome students back to campus for the beginning of the spring semester. Now’s the time to make a fresh start with your studies and get excited about taking new classes. Here’s some advice to help you welcome the new semester with open arms.

1. Set New Goals

New Year’s resolutions are one way you can stay motivated and keep making progress, but what about your big-picture goals? One way to do this is to make an Impossible List. This style of list challenges you to take on more audacious objectives, such as training for a triathlon or raising a specific amount of money for your favorite charity. You can keep yourself accountable for your progress and inspire others by publishing your list online and letting people know when you add or complete items.

2. Get Organized

College is a uniquely stressful time because you have to find ways to balance your coursework with your social life, and probably also a part- or full-time job. Various professors give you deadlines for completing papers or projects, and there’s always another exam on the horizon to study for. If you are disorganized, you can quickly start to feel overwhelmed with all these various responsibilities. If you don’t already have a planner, get a physical or digital one and use it to keep track of due dates. Read about smart organizational strategies for college students.

3. Practice Self-Care

When you get busy with college life, taking good care of yourself might start to move lower and lower down on your priority list. When you do things like staying up later than you should because you’re studying for an important test, or skipping meals because you’re running late to class, your well-being will start to suffer. Make time to exercise, drink water and get the recommended amount of sleep every night. You’ll have an easier time keeping up with the demands of the semester when you’re physically and mentally healthy.

4. Take Advantage of On-Campus Resources

Your school may provide more resources than you initially realized. Take advantage of everything you can – after all, you’re paying for them as part of your tuition. If you’re struggling to keep up in one of your courses, many universities offer free peer-to-peer tutoring programs where you can learn from a fellow student who is an expert on a given subject. At times when you find yourself feeling emotionally unstable, some colleges provide no- or low-cost counseling. These fundamentals are there to help you succeed in your college career, so don’t be shy about using them.

5. Make Time for a Social Life

If you are trying to juggle the demands of a full course load and have put a lot of pressure on yourself to maintain a high GPA, you might feel like socializing with friends is a luxury you can’t afford to make time for. However, withdrawing from the world can leave you vulnerable to depression. One way to combat stress is with a strong support network of fellow students who will help you find ways to relax and unwind. Setting aside time to spend with your friends makes the burdens of college life feel a little bit lighter.

Succeeding in College Sets You up for a Fulfilling Life

Don’t let substance misuse and co-occurring mental health disorders derail your promising future. If you are a college student who needs help to stop abusing alcohol or drugs, contact us at Spearhead Lodge today. We offer customized treatment plans that teach young men the life and goal-setting skills they need to heal.