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Self-Care Strategies When You’re Homebound

Amid all the news about the COVID-19 crisis, it’s easy to feel mentally and emotionally overwhelmed. And to top it off, the need for social distancing has probably prevented you from doing many of your normal self-care activities, such as going to the gym, attending your group therapy meetings or getting together with friends and family. How can you practice self-care in these uncertain times of quarantine? Here are some ideas for minimizing stress while making the most of your time at home.

1. Organize a Video Chat

Isolating at home can make you feel detached from the world after only a few days. Luckily, technology allows a greater sense of connection with far-flung loved ones. If you and your sober support group have a tradition of weekly or monthly get-togethers, you can maintain it remotely with apps such as Zoom and Houseparty.

2. Learn a New Skill

Have you ever wanted to try your hand at hobbies such as woodworking or baking, but never seemed to find the time? Self-isolation gives you the perfect opportunity to take up a new hobby that helps you relax and get in touch with your creative side. Plenty of free and low-cost online tutorials will turn you into an expert in no time!

3. Take a Virtual Tour

One of the bright spots in the otherwise bleak headlines about coronavirus is that many museums worldwide have opened for virtual tours. Spend an hour or an afternoon treating yourself to 360-degree views of artistic masterpieces and historical treasures such as the Rosetta Stone.

4. Start a Journal

There’s no time like the present to take up the practice of journaling. If stress or anxiety have been making it a challenge to get your thoughts in order, keeping a journal can help you see the bigger picture. You can also focus your journal entries on a specific goal, such as writing down the things you’re thankful for.

5. Center Yourself

You probably already know how beneficial yoga and meditation can be for strengthening your mind-body connection and helping you live in the moment. However, being confined to your house allows you to explore these practices more profoundly, instead of merely going through the motions. There are multiple ways to bring mindfulness into daily activities such as eating or doing chores, just as there are many different styles of yoga. Set aside time to learn about these and discover the best fit for you.

6. Get Smart

Is there a specific historical period you’ve always wanted to know more about? Have you ever wished you’d paid more attention in chemistry or biology class? People often overlook reading as a form of self-care, but it can be an excellent way to relax while you teach yourself something new. Remember, your brain benefits from regular workouts just as much as your body does!

De-Stress With Self-Care

No matter how you choose to spend your days in quarantine, avoiding boredom is critical. Don’t let these unusual circumstances get you off-track with your recovery routine. At Spearhead Lodge, we provide world-class treatment for young men living with substance abuse issues. To learn more about our 90-day recovery program, call us today.