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Learning to Forgive Yourself in Recovery

Forgiving yourself is an important step in the recovery process. If you are truly going to find freedom in your sober future, you need to overcome any guilt from the past. For one, addiction is a disease and it’s not your fault. Plus, you can’t change the past so your only job now is to do your best to create a future that you’re proud of. It’s not easy – but you can learn to forgive yourself. These steps will help you get started:

  • Commit to the recovery process: The more you commit to the recovery process, the better you’ll feel about yourself and the easier it will become to find self-forgiveness. Committing to sobriety means that you are no longer involved in the actions and behaviors that you once felt guilty over.
  • Let go of guilt: Guilt is typically what stands in the way of self-forgiveness. You may feel guilty about your past actions and believe you’re unworthy of being happy and healthy. This isn’t true – and believing this will prevent you from beginning a new sober life full of hope and promise. Remind yourself that it’s okay to let go of your guilt and forgive yourself so you can take steps to become a better you.
  • Have patience: Forgiving yourself is often a process and it’s different for everyone. Some people may wake up one day and decide they’ve walked around with guilt long enough! Others can battle with guilt and self-forgiveness for years. Do your best to work on self-forgiveness daily and pay attention to what is or isn’t working for you.

Intensive Healing at Makana Path Makana Path is the perfect place for your or someone you love to heal from within, find forgiveness and release the shame and guilt of your past addiction. To learn more about our programming, call today: 866-922-0776.