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Ideas for Strengthening Your Sober Support Network

Whether you’ve been sober for five months or five years, your sober supporters are an essential part of your ongoing recovery because they help you stay the course with your motivation and remind you of why you chose this new, healthy lifestyle. They provide additional accountability and positivity in your life and encourage you to avoid cravings and triggers. It’s likely your time spent in addiction treatment and group therapy helped you make some new friends who share the same goals as you do. Your family members are another part of your sober support network. However, if you’re looking to build on the robust group you already have, here are a few tips.

1. Attend Meetings

Many recovering addicts find the motivation they need through various 12-step groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. However, those are not the only groups available to help you work through various challenges in your life. For example, if you are a parent, see if you can find any meetings targeting the unique ups and downs that come with raising a child. Or, if you have recently experienced a loss, look for groups that tackle healthy ways to deal with grief.

2. Take a Class

Another way to broaden your horizons and fend off boredom in addiction recovery is to enroll in a course. Perhaps you’ve always wanted to learn Italian, or take up photography. Or, maybe you’d like to try your hand at woodcarving or gardening. Whatever your interest, you can be sure there’s a class out there for you. Because you’ve all chosen to learn the same thing, it’s a safe bet you already share one common interest with your classmates, so use that as your introduction point to make new friends.

3. Get Involved in the Community

Too often, we get so caught up in the stresses of managing our daily responsibilities that we forget to reach out to others who may be struggling even more than we are. No matter what cause you choose to contribute your time and energy to, volunteering will help you see the world with fresh eyes and make you feel good about being part of something larger than yourself. Once you are comfortable enough to open up to others, you will also meet new people who can become part of your sober support network.

Recovery Isn’t Always Easy, but Having Support Can Help

People with a strong support system in place can maintain their sobriety longer than those who do not. It’s essential for you to have people you can reach out to on days when you’re struggling. Humans evolved to be social creatures, and you need to surround yourself with people who can help pick you up if you stumble along the path to recovery. If you’re working on avoiding relapse and committing to your new sober lifestyle, Segue Recovery Support can help with our recovery residences that help bridge the gap between treatment and returning to life in the “real world.” Learn more about our admissions criteria here.