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Adderall Withdrawal and Detox | Vyvanse, Ritalin, Concerta

For people experiencing the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), medications can help with the inability to concentrate or sit still, as well as with impulsive actions and excessive talking. However, these drugs can become addictive. Adderall, Vyvanse, Ritalin, and Concerta have all proven effective in treating ADHD. There are some important things to know about the undesired effects caused by these drugs as well as the effects of Adderall withdrawal and detox.


According to the Cleveland Clinic, stimulants like Adderall improve symptoms of ADHD in 70 to 80 percent of children, and in 70 percent of adults. The positive effects can be even greater when used along with behavioral therapy.

As a stimulant, Adderall contains amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. Adderall is a controlled substance that can cause psychological or physical dependence and has potential for abuse and misuse. Long-term use of Adderall or other stimulants may cause some changes in the brain, such as decreases in the amount of the chemical messenger dopamine. This seems more likely to happen in people who abuse Adderall in high doses.

Side Effects of Adderall

Serious side effects of Adderall include heart attack and stroke. Adderall can lead to sudden death in people with preexisting heart conditions. Taking Adderall alongside alcohol increases the chances of having heart problems. Adderall may also affect how drunk a person feels, which can also increase the chance of alcohol poisoning.

Adderall Withdrawal

Stopping the use of Adderall suddenly can cause withdrawal symptoms, some of which can be very serious:

  • Feeling uneasy
  • Sleep problems, whether insomnia (trouble falling or staying asleep) or sleeping too much
  • Hunger
  • Anxiety and irritability
  • Panic attacks
  • Fatigue or lack of energy
  • Depression
  • Phobias or panic attacks
  • Suicidal thoughts

Known as the Adderall crash, withdrawal can leave a person feeling the opposite effects of the stimulant itself because of the resulting imbalance of chemicals in the brain. Symptoms of an Adderall crash can include:

  • A craving for Adderall
  • Agitation and irritability
  • Anxiety or panic
  • Fatigue
  • Feelings of depression
  • Increased appetite
  • Insomnia
  • Vivid and unpleasant dreams

Detox, under supervised guidance, is a safer method for Adderall withdrawal. The detox process enables a person to reduce or completely avoid the symptoms of withdrawal by coming off the drug slowly, over the course of several months.


Another medication used to treat ADHD is Vyvanse, or lisdexamfetamine. Vyvanse, also a stimulant, is administered as part of a total treatment plan, including psychological, social, and other treatments. The drug is thought to work by restoring the balance of certain natural chemicals, or neurotransmitters, in the brain.

Vyvanse may sometimes cause addiction. This risk may be higher for people who have a substance use disorder (such as overuse of or addiction to drugs/alcohol).

Suddenly stopping the use of Vyvanse can cause withdrawal symptoms that can include severe tiredness, sleep problems, and mental/mood changes such as depression. Withdrawal is more likely for people who have used lisdexamfetamine for a long time or in high doses.


The stimulant methylphenidate, also known as Ritalin, is a stimulant that changes the amounts of certain natural substances in the brain. Ritalin can help people with ADHD increase their ability to pay attention, stay focused on an activity, and control behavior problems. It may also help to organize tasks and improve listening skills.

After extensive use, Ritalin may not work as well. Ritalin can also be addictive. This risk may be higher for people who have a substance use disorder (such as overuse of or addiction to drugs/alcohol). Suddenly stopping the use of Ritalin may cause withdrawal symptoms such as depression, suicidal thoughts, or other mental/mood changes. Withdrawal symptoms are more likely for people who have used methylphenidate for a long time or in high doses.


Methylphenidate is also the ingredient in Concerta. This medication has a direct impact on the central nervous system. As a stimulant, it can also be addictive or misused. Stimulants like Concerta allow norepinephrine and dopamine levels to rise slowly and steadily, by preventing the neurons from reabsorbing them. Norepinephrine and dopamine are neurotransmitters that are naturally produced in the brain. Norepinephrine is a stimulant and dopamine is linked to attention span, movement, and feelings of pleasure.

Stopping Concerta suddenly can result in withdrawal. Symptoms of withdrawal include trouble sleeping and fatigue. Withdrawal increases the risk of developing severe depression.

Makana Path Offers Medically Supervised Detox

At Makana Path, we help you safely stop the use of stimulants such as Adderall, Vyvanse, Ritalin, and Concerta. Our medically supervised detoxification program is your first step to recovery. We help you cleanse your body of the addictive substances while monitoring your health and safety. Makana Path’s intensive healing approach will help you regain control over your life. To learn more about our Medical Detox Program, contact Makana Path today by calling 1-866-313-0978.