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Growing Your Self-Esteem in Recovery

self-esteemAddiction can do a number on your self-esteem and, for many people in recovery, low self-esteem may have even played a role in the development of your substance use disorder in the first place. It makes sense then that taking steps to grow your self-esteem is a key step for lasting sobriety. For one, healthy self-esteem can help prevent relapse. If you have self-respect and confidence in yourself and your recovery, you’ll be less likely to sabotage it. Self-esteem can also help you build a new sober life that makes you feel good about you and your goals and achievements.

Just because you’re not drinking or using drugs, it doesn’t mean that you’ll automatically have high self-esteem. It will take time to grow it and restore any feelings of pride and confidence in yourself and your abilities. These steps can help:

  1. Write and repeat affirmations. Write an affirmation, or positive statement about yourself, that you can says out loud to yourself daily. Even if you don’t believe it at first, repeating it will help change the way you feel about yourself. Try it: “I’m proud of myself” or “I’m worth it” or “I am improving each day.”
  2. Cut out the self-blame. Constantly beating yourself up over a missed goal, bad day or past mistake can chip away at your self-esteem. Instead, do your best to recognize and acknowledge these things but then let them go and promise yourself to do better in the future. Learning to change your mindset and learn from (not dwell on) mistakes is important for a successful recovery and healthy self-esteem.
  3. Take compliments to heart. Low self-esteem can make it hard to acknowledge and accept the kind words of others. The next time someone gives you an unsolicited compliment, say thank you and try to see in yourself what that person sees.
  4. Do something kind every day. Perhaps the best way to feel good about you is to be good to someone else. Do your best to be kind to others – it doesn’t have to be a big gesture. Simple things like holding a door open or giving up a seat count. You should also consider volunteering to help others in the recovery community.
  5. Practice self-care. Healthy eating, regular exercise, sleep and stress management can give you a great sense of accomplishment and dramatically improve self-esteem.

Self-Esteem Building at Segue Recovery Feeling good inside and out builds healthy self-esteem, which is essential to recovery. For more information about how our addiction recovery services can help you or someone you love build a healthy self-esteem and lasting recovery, contact a Segue Recovery Specialist today: 833-485-0789.