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How Self-Management Skills Help You Overcome Addiction

Study after study has shown us that addiction is a chronic disease. Successful treatment requires an array of therapeutic approaches that not only address the root causes of the illness, but that also help provide the foundational tools needed to prevent a relapse. Self-management skills are chief among these. How can self-management play a role in your recovery?

What Is Self-Management?

The term “self-management” refers to any set of tasks people with chronic conditions must do to learn how to live longer, healthier lives. Over time, honing self-management skills is essential for people to gain autonomy over illnesses such as high blood pressure or diabetes. People living with a chronic disease require a strategic approach to avoiding a relapse. For example, a person with hypertension might need to follow a treatment regimen that involves taking specific prescription medications, cutting out salty foods, quitting smoking and exercising regularly. By lowering their blood pressure, these people can reduce their risk of potentially fatal problems such as a heart attack or stroke.

Self-Management Skills for Addiction Recovery

Self-management is especially applicable to those in recovery from substance abuse disorders and any co-occurring mental health issues. You can use self-management skills to take an active role in your recovery and manage your behavioral and physical conditions, while improving your overall well-being and quality of life. Like the person dealing with hypertension, you will have a list of things to do that help you maintain your sobriety, such as attending regular therapy sessions, practicing mindfulness, avoiding your triggers and spending time with people who support your recovery goals. Applying self-management principles to substance use disorders has the added advantage of fitting with the philosophy of harm reduction. This empowering and non-judgmental approach encourages people to set attainable goals and determine the type of treatment that will work best for them.

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Behavior

While your time in addiction treatment will provide you with a robust foundation for lifelong recovery, how you use those tools is ultimately up to you. No two paths to sobriety are identical. Self-management skills are one way to change the negativity and self-destructive patterns that led to your addiction. Recovery brings a great deal of personal growth. You’ll need to learn new, practical coping mechanisms for handling life’s problems. With practice, you’ll gain the confidence to maintain your sobriety and explore new, rewarding pursuits.

A Supportive Place to Continue Your Recovery

After all the time and effort you’ve invested in overcoming your addiction, you need an environment where those around you understand the need to preserve what you’ve built. Segue Recovery Support provides three levels of high-accountability sober living for people who need additional structure in safe, comfortable surroundings that help create a support system. Contact us today to learn more about starting the next phase of recovery here.