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Guest Post: Assessment in Addiction Recovery

For an individual who is looking for help for themselves or loved ones, the understanding of the differences between Recovery Centers and Treatment Centers is vital. Ethics come in to play when a center leads one to believe it can offer the paying customer something it’s not set up to deliver.

There are basically two types of people who suffer from addictive illness:

  1. One– Someone who is not convinced that lifetime abstinence is something they need to achieve.
  2. Two– Someone who has become convinced that lifetime abstinence is something needed for them to survive.

The 12 step program is for number two. Whatever you may hear in recovery groups, unless you understand the importance of a lifetime based on abstinence, you will not be able to summon up the necessary fortitude to consistently practice a program that requires rigorous honesty in its application. Much of the 12-step group recidivism can be placed on those who have not become committed to abstinence or who are not appropriately exposed to the recovery program in the meetings.

I believe the value of Addiction Treatment Centers is for type one. You can gain valuable knowledge of addiction and hopefully come to believe that this lifetime of abstinence is something they need to commit to. However, the treatment centers do not offer immunity from alcohol or drugs, just information and some skills in interpersonal relationships. Understanding this will help the afflicted and affected deal with a large expenditure of time and money that does not accomplish their desired goal.

Drug and Alcohol Recovery Centers are for type two. These set in place spiritual practices that will lead to a lifetime of recovery and abstinence if practiced with consistency—consistency that can only come from a committed decision to engage in them. Unfortunately, these are almost exclusively self-pay. Treatment centers are not able to apply some essential practices because other therapeutics of little value for recovery is the rule of the day and are reimbursable. Today, you can offer vital experiential recovery processes or you can get reimbursed by insurance, there is little time to do both.

Chris Schroeder is the Director of Media for C4 Recovery Solutions. In his role with C4, he has been tasked with hosting and developing the webcast show, The Afflicted and Affected, interviewing leaders in the addictive illness field and other interesting personalities revolving around the recovery world. Chris comes into contact with those who research and apply the latest methods of treatment and those who are a force in positive change in outcomes and funding both politically and in the media.