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Somatic Experiencing Therapy

Addiction Treatment for a Brighter Future

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Person and their therapist at a somatic experiencing therapy sessionWhen a family member or loved one struggles with addiction, the pain and helplessness can be overwhelming. The never-ending cycle of false promises and recurring issues may seem like a permanent fixture. We understand the depth of emotions and their toll on everyone involved. At BRC Healthcare, we believe in taking an inclusive, innovative, and iconic approach to addiction recovery. One of the unique methods we utilize is somatic experiencing (SE) therapy. Our Texas therapy programs combine evidence-based treatments with compassionate care to address the root causes of addiction and promote lasting healing. Contact our compassionate team at 888.559.2036 to learn more.

About Somatic Experiencing Therapy

Somatic experiencing therapy is a holistic form focused on addressing the effects of trauma and stress on the body. Developed by Dr. Peter Levine, it is based on the premise that trauma and stress can be trapped in the body, manifesting as physical and emotional symptoms. SE therapy facilitates the release of this pent-up energy and promotes self-regulation and balance.

How SE Therapy Works

Trauma is not just in the event itself but in how our nervous system copes with or fails to process an event. When the nervous system is overwhelmed, the energy mobilized for self-defense gets stuck and can cause symptoms ranging from anxiety and depression to chronic pain.

Somatic experiencing therapy is predicated on the awareness of bodily sensations. The term “somatic” is derived from the Greek word “soma,” which means body. Unlike traditional talk therapy, which focuses on cognitive processes and memories, SE emphasizes the physical responses and sensations accompanying experiences.

Stages of Somatic Experiencing

Somatic Experiencing therapy is grounded in the understanding that trauma can leave a lasting imprint on the body, and addressing this physiological component is integral to healing. Here are some of the stages of this approach:

  • Body awareness – Many individuals who have experienced trauma may find themselves disconnected or numb to sensations within their bodies. Body awareness helps clients to reconnect with their bodies by paying attention to physical sensations. This heightened awareness forms the foundation for the subsequent stages of treatment.
  • Grounding – This stage often involves exercises and techniques that help clients feel physically connected to the earth and their surroundings. Grounding can reduce anxiety and allow individuals to manage overwhelming emotions, enabling them to remain present during therapy sessions.
  • Pendulation – In SE therapy, pendulation is used to help clients become aware of these shifts and to explore how they can move between states of tension and relaxation. By learning how to pendulate, clients develop a sense of rhythm and flow in their bodily sensations, which helps in processing traumatic experiences without becoming overwhelmed.
  • Titration – This approach prevents retraumatization and overwhelm, which can occur if too much is tackled simultaneously. Therapists guide clients through remembering or revisiting traumatic experiences bit by bit, allowing for the slow release of trapped energy in the nervous system.
  • Sequencing – This allows for the natural unfolding of the body’s response to trauma. By following this sequence, clients can release traumatic energy in a way that is more aligned with how the body initially intended to respond before the trauma became locked in the nervous system.
  • Resourcing – Internal resources might include strengths, skills, or positive memories that can help manage distress. External resources could involve supportive relationships or environments. Resourcing ensures clients have the tools and support necessary to continue healing beyond therapy sessions.

BRC Healthcare ensures that everyone who walks through our doors is treated with the utmost care and respect. We recognize that addiction is often more than just a physical dependency; it’s deeply intertwined with emotional pain and trauma.

Find Somatic Experiencing Therapy in Texas at BRC Healthcare

At BRC Healthcare, we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, we tailor our treatments to each person’s unique needs and circumstances. Our commitment to thought leadership in addiction recovery means continuously seeking and incorporating the most effective methods to support long-term recovery. Contact us at 888.559.2036 to learn more.